

  1. Behind the Screen: Understanding National Support for an Investment Screening Mechanism in the European Union (with Sophie Meunier)
    Review of International Organizations, 2022, 17(3): 513–41.
  2. Testing Concerns about Technology’s Behavioral Impacts with N-of-one Trials. (with J. Nathan Matias and Eric Pennington)
    Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2022: 1722–32.
  3. Audience Costs and the Credibility of Commitments (with Samuel Liu and Kai Quek)
    Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations, 2021.

Working Papers

Please email me for the latest drafts.

Affluence without Influence? The Inducement Dilemma in Economic Statecraft. (under review)

When Facts Polarize: Russian Information Operations and Polarization through Factual Content. (with Noel Foster, under review)

The Indirect Effect: How Hidden "Relay Stations" Amplify Russian Information Operations. (with Noel Foster, under review)

Tying-Hands Versus Bluster: Authoritativeness, Words, and Deeds in Crisis Communication. (with Noel Foster and Jackie S.H. Wong, under review)

Attributions and Deescalation: The Public Dynamics of U.S.–China Crisis Deescalation. (with Kai Quek, under review)

Transparent Machine Learning through Improved Variable Importance Measures. (with Marc Ratkovic)